This site covers writing from the intangibile idea to the protected commercial product. We understand the difficulty taking an expression and truning it into commerce. As artists learn and grow other artists are trudging through the same path. We believe in reducing th elearning curve of failure.
There are all types of writers who can benefit from being coached, educated and encouraged. Our readers are not “ordinary” writers, they are aware. A good writer is always developing. Writers develop internal tool boxes, intutition about storytelling and insight as to how people think.
Here are some of the topics that will The communication Jouirnal will edcuate our writers, graphic artists and producers.
- Creativity
- Copyrights and Rights
- First Amendment Rights
- Communications Law
- The Laws of Logic and Writing
- How to Work with Other ARtists
- Leadership
- Editing
- Freelancing
- Screenwriting
- Fiction and Novel Writing
- Documentary Writing
The Business of Writing
The Art of Storytelling Storytelling