Writing Lion
Read – Relate – Communicate
WORDS to VISION to BUSINESS! This isn’t ordinary communication! This is our mission! We turn words to graphics to tell a story, make a point, portray a company and then we develop the product into commerce. If you are in writing, graphics, communications, media or production you will benefit from the information on this site. We find that as a professional, in order to be competitive, you will need the extra edge. You should reduce your learning curve. If you are a writer, artist or producer you fully understand that instant success is a rare commodity. you can reduce your failure standard by learning from the posts on this site by those who have forged ahead infront of you as independant entrepreneurs and independant business persons. At The Communications Journal we provide services in the trade of communication as well as educating others in the field. Our Dedicated Services Include Websites Company Videos Logos Graphics Design for Just About Everything Writng and Coaching Business Plans Film Production Script Consulting Media Business Consulting Trademark Administration Production Consulting Resume Writing Business Templates
Why should you unerstand Communications Law? You are not an attorney, you are an artist. We advocate you understand Communications Law and Intellectual Property Law. This will benefit your career greatly. We don’t think that an artist should always rely on others (who they usually have to pay) for information to procede in business. Communications laws concerns the law and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission. As artists we create and deal with the development and commerce of products that are displayed, boradcasted, aired, publicized and the like, therefore we need to be familiar with the laws and regulations. Here are some topics we will cover on The communications Journal. The First Amendment Children and Television Children and Advertising Consumer Psychology Sedition Ethics Conflict Resolution Even if Communications Law isn’t your speciality, you should be updated and aware of the regulations.
An idea starts out an idea. Somewhere along the line, some entrepreneur decides to protect the idea, or develop the idea and if they are smar both! The great car manufacturers knew they had something worth protecting and the patenst office and the trademark office grew like wildfire at the beginning of the 1900s. IP stands for Intellectual Property for the purpose of this site. Intellectual Property is the creation of the mind, namely literary works, inventions (patents), artistic works, auditory recordings and music, digital recordings, film and video, programming, screenplays, trademarks and service marks (symbols) for their use in commerce. Because IP is the creation of the mind, it requires protection. This protection is vested by different authorities and in different ways. This site will teach you about the process, both success and in trial and tribulation that artists and inventors go through. Intellectual Property has different phases, from intangible to generally tangible. Theoretically the only intangible is a trade secret because once it is published, it is not longer a secret. Other than that exception, the objective is to take a thought (intangible) and to turn it into a tangible product for commerce. Subjects we cover, Protection of…
What is a producer? That is a hard question because producers multitask to a great deal, but in the end producers produce. Here are some of our production topics. We will take on the topics of what specific types of producers do on the set and behind the scenes. Here are some of the questions and topics this site will cover. What are the resposibilities of a producer? What kind of producers provide money or financing? Do producers make a lot of money? Is it hard to be a producer? What type of education do producers have? Agreements Budgeting Production Law Entertainment Attorneys Production Policies for Indpendant Producers Distribution Hiring Employees and Contractors
This site covers writing from the intangibile idea to the protected commercial product. We understand the difficulty taking an expression and truning it into commerce. As artists learn and grow other artists are trudging through the same path. We believe in reducing th elearning curve of failure. There are all types of writers who can benefit from being coached, educated and encouraged. Our readers are not “ordinary” writers, they are aware. A good writer is always developing. Here are some of the topics that will The communication Jouirnal will edcuate our writers, graphic artists and producers. Creativity Copyrights and Rights First Amendment Rights Communications Law How to Work with Other ARtists Leadership Editing Freelancing Screenwriting Fiction and Novel Writing Documentary Writing
Our fewquently asked quesstions, FAQs come from our readers. Q. How many years does it take to “break” into writing? A. This depends. Even if you are Ron Howards daughter, you still have to be good, wether it is writing and directing. (It would help to be his daughter.) You may have heard that there is a lot of favoritism in Hollywood. This is true. Breaking into the market will usually take about ten years of the hardest most diligent work you have ever performed. but if you do m ake it, it will be worth it all! Q. Do I need an agent? A. If you want to write for a living, you probably do. However, agentsl done’t take writer until they are ready to enter the market. this is from a timing point of view (right literature – right time) and from the maturity of the author in terms of the ability to sell the authors work. For anyone who has sent out hundreds of queries and read a thousand books on “how to query” you do not have to exagerate or talk loudly to get other artists to join you in frustration. The best way to turn…
Is your business vertically or horizontally integrated?