Read about a new type of litigation called “copyright trolling” written by The Communications Journal CEO Corey May Do You think multitasking is more efficient? Read here to find out!
The Right to Privacy
by Sr. Staff Writer, Leonard Wheeler, former NFL player The right of privacy for individuals has long been challenged in American history, especially since there is no specific amendment in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights outlining the particulars as to what privacy is or as to what is clearly prearranged and specified for… Continue reading The Right to Privacy
Right to Pirvacy with Social Network Sites
In New York State, Romano v. Steelecase Inc decided on Septermber 21, 2010, the court opinion presented an interesting position on invasion of privacy case involving Facebook and MySpace. It is one of the first cases where the pictures posted were used as evidence in a trial and presented as discovery material. It is a… Continue reading Right to Pirvacy with Social Network Sites
Who Should Be the Media Gatekeepers?
by Leonard Wheeler Sr. Staff Writer The right of the expression finds itself embedded within the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of… Continue reading Who Should Be the Media Gatekeepers?
Leonard Wheeler, NFL on Communication Ethics
When examining communication ethics and the boundaries of morality, it is common thought to question what is the model that makes right, “right” and what makes wrong, “wrong.” If there is an answer it swims in a confusing sea of conflicting moral and social values between individuals, communities, states and cultures. No single theory has… Continue reading Leonard Wheeler, NFL on Communication Ethics