Many people think that in an LLC your assets are safe. In reality, this is not a true statement, Remembering that a lot of statutory and substantive law governing the Limited Liability Company is on state jurisdiction, here are some decisions in LLC case law. Personal Jurisdiction If a member has had any transaction in… Continue reading LLC Case Law
NFL and the Raven’s Flying B Logo
We have been writing about The Fair Use Doctrine, but when can you use a sports logo and when can’t you? In the history of this case, the Baltimore Ravens and the NFL had been site in the Fourth Circuit for infringing on the copyright of the flying B” logo, however they continued to use… Continue reading NFL and the Raven’s Flying B Logo
Universities are Serious Trademark Business
Where, when and how can a university use its logo? Almost every university has a conglomerate of trademark filings: some for their name, some with their logos and others with word marks. For example, Boston College has 19 live trademarks. This means they have “Boston College”, “Boston College Eagles” and BC tied up for many… Continue reading Universities are Serious Trademark Business
Is Your Title Infringing On A Trademark?
Can your title be a trademark? Can your title infringe on anothers trademark? When you title a book or a screenplay you have to be thoughtful. Why do you think that the film Social Network was titled Social Network instead of :Facebook?” Bingo….trademark violation! Though you cannot copyright a title, you can trademark it if… Continue reading Is Your Title Infringing On A Trademark?
Top Ten Kid’s Shows
Top Ten Kids Shows – For the Last Decade The musical sitcom Hanna Montana centers around a girl whose secret identity is that of a pop sensation. In the real world, Hanna Montana has become a pop industry. Not only does her show top our kids’ TV list, her giant girl fan base — from… Continue reading Top Ten Kid’s Shows