by Leonard Wheeler Sr. Staff Writer The right of the expression finds itself embedded within the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of… Continue reading Who Should Be the Media Gatekeepers?
Category: Communications
Writers, producers, graphic artistis and media professionals should have superior communication skills.
Leonard Wheeler, NFL on Communication Ethics
When examining communication ethics and the boundaries of morality, it is common thought to question what is the model that makes right, “right” and what makes wrong, “wrong.” If there is an answer it swims in a confusing sea of conflicting moral and social values between individuals, communities, states and cultures. No single theory has… Continue reading Leonard Wheeler, NFL on Communication Ethics
FTC Isues Online Policy Report
FTC and Guidelines for New Media Is the FTC going to crackdown on “everyone?” With social media and what is coined as “new media” policies are changing rapidly. The involvement and interaction of television, mobile phones, the Internet and social media sites, i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and the gang have brought on cases with… Continue reading FTC Isues Online Policy Report
False Advertising and Kellogs
A federal lawsuit alleged that Kellogs claimed that Rice Krispies boosted the immune system of children. In the summer of 2009 Kellogs launched a new campaign for Rice Krispies cereal that claimed that Rice Kripsies were new and improved to keep your family healthy and boost their immune system. They also claimed that Rice Krispies… Continue reading False Advertising and Kellogs
The Fight Over the Color Orange: Hershey vs. Mars
Can color alone be a trademark? That’s a WOW and a “maybe”! Who could think of color as trademark? Apparently the candy company Hershey does. Mars thinks not and filed a declaration to say that Hershey does not own the exclusive rights to the color orange for peanut butter. This action is not the beginning… Continue reading The Fight Over the Color Orange: Hershey vs. Mars