Can your title be a trademark? Can your title infringe on anothers trademark? When you title a book or a screenplay you have to be thoughtful. Why do you think that the film Social Network was titled Social Network instead of :Facebook?” Bingo….trademark violation! Though you cannot copyright a title, you can trademark it if… Continue reading Is Your Title Infringing On A Trademark?
Category: Communications
Writers, producers, graphic artistis and media professionals should have superior communication skills.
Top Ten Kid’s Shows
Top Ten Kids Shows – For the Last Decade The musical sitcom Hanna Montana centers around a girl whose secret identity is that of a pop sensation. In the real world, Hanna Montana has become a pop industry. Not only does her show top our kids’ TV list, her giant girl fan base — from… Continue reading Top Ten Kid’s Shows
Copyright Trolling, The Righthaven Cases
Read about a new type of litigation called “copyright trolling” written by The Communications Journal CEO Corey May Do You think multitasking is more efficient? Read here to find out!
The Right to Privacy
by Sr. Staff Writer, Leonard Wheeler, former NFL player The right of privacy for individuals has long been challenged in American history, especially since there is no specific amendment in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights outlining the particulars as to what privacy is or as to what is clearly prearranged and specified for… Continue reading The Right to Privacy
Right to Pirvacy with Social Network Sites
In New York State, Romano v. Steelecase Inc decided on Septermber 21, 2010, the court opinion presented an interesting position on invasion of privacy case involving Facebook and MySpace. It is one of the first cases where the pictures posted were used as evidence in a trial and presented as discovery material. It is a… Continue reading Right to Pirvacy with Social Network Sites